Saturday, May 21, 2005

Men Just Don't Get It...

When asking women and men what "Men Just Don't Get" there was not a shortage of answers. From everything to shopping to women it seems there are plenty of opinions on what we men just don't get. So, what do you think "Men Just Don't Get" or understand? Men, don't be shy, post your opinions and comments and be heard.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Upcoming Seminars

Great News! Men Just Don't...Why We Don't Ask For Directions and Other Stuff will be available soon.  The Web site is being updated and new seminars will be scheduled.  Please email me your thoughts after reviewing the web page @>

Welcome to Randy's Blog

Welcome to Randy Reynold's Blog. This is where you can post comments, ask questions and share information with Randy and his friends. Check back often for new information and postings.